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Kyetse was written by Chador Wangmo who is also the inspiring writer of La Ama. Kyetse is a highly emotional fictional story that tells us about how a young brave girl called Sonam Dema embarked on her per destined journey of life. She was born in the eastern part of the country that was filled with superstitious beliefs. Her khetse defines her life that she would encounter her greatest distraction when she attains the age of 8 and 18 and the only solution for that is to take the path of spirituality. She embraced her cheerful childhood days with one of her jovial friends called Pentang, whom she spent of her time in craving those beautiful memories in between the mournful days. Out of the blue, her happiness was shattered when life begins to unroll their unforeseen prophecy that is when she lost her mother at the age of 8.

In between the rush of time, she was sent to join the nun to take the path of spirituality, but she became one the victims when her groups of friends who were supposed to join the nun were coerced down by the vicious traitors. Although she was on the verge of tears with no hope to move forward, she was the brave one among all who was able to escape from the excruciating incident. At last she found her true path when she decided to join as a nun where she built her confidence to exhibit the real identity of those traitors to the whole world and the story ends contentedly upon visualization the young and a bold girl walking forward in the rays of hope towards fulfilling her dream.

I would recommend all those inspiring readers to read this beautiful piece of my collection because after reading this book, a sense of enthusiasm develops at the back of our mind reminding us that everything in life is uncertain, we cannot predict what will happen next until we experience ourselves. In a net shell, I can conclude that we have to be strong enough to walk away from those that continue to hurt us and have to be brave enough to walk along until we find our true path.