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PaSsu Diary: A Journal of an Ordinary Bhutanese

I am not a voracious reader but rather a clumsy one. I don't know if this is even the correct way to label myself. Many times I stopped halfway or some even after reading the first few pages; maybe the particular book might have been boring for me or I am too lazy to finish the entire book. For many times I start with strong determinations to read till the end but all to my failure. But this PaSsu Diary caught me off-guard and gave me a different story to tell.

Knowing PaSsu Diary.

I first saw the author when he appeared on Nang Ge Tam a few years ago. It was only then I knew about his blog PaSsu Diary. Later I found myself following his social media accounts and loving his blogs. And I could not be happier when I knew his blogs were transforming into a book soon. As a follower on his Facebook page, I could see all the book publishing launching activities and distribution into the book stores sometime in 2018. And a few weeks later after the distribution has happened(from what I saw virtually), my newsfeed was almost brimmed with reviews of PaSsu Diary. Today I wonder if there is any Bhutanese reader who has not read this book. After going through some of the reviews, it instantly gave me a longing to grab one myself. But there was no way I will get one since I was out of the country then and I presume the distribution happened only in the Book stores within the country. I remember checking for the book in a few shopping sites in India but could not find one. So my dream to read PaSsu Diary was cut short then.

After I was back to Thimphu last winter, I sneaked into a few book stores there but it was hard to find PaSsu diary. I even texted the author if the book was available in any of the book stores in Thimphu but he was not sure. To grab one was a reality so far, I thought.

Just a few days before the nationwide lockdown commenced, I moved to my sister's place here in Punakha. Do you know what I encountered here? It was a pity to see PaSsu Diary dusting in the corner. Coincidentally the next day, the lockdown was announced. This was an opportunity waiting to happen. What more perfect time is needed than this to read a book-a book I dreamed to read years ago. A perfect blend.

A Review.

PaSsu Diary is an inspiring and interesting collection of journals by a blogger, which I feel is a must-read for every one of us. The author puts his real-life incidences in a simple yet meaningful narration that even a maiden reader can easily perceive the intended messages. He shares various events that unfold in his journey of life as a son, a teacher, a husband, a father and now a full-time social entrepreneur. For a history enthusiast like myself, he also shares explicitly about some important figures like Terton Sherub Mebar and some less-known but equally important museums of our country, some of which are very unpopular among us. He even shares of the mythical buffalo horn which I have never heard of and this makes myself a fool history enthusiast. These mysteries are just mesmerizing. And I want you to dig out more by yourself.

Discovered PaSsu Diary at a corner
While I loved and enjoyed every bit of those entries in his book, I will share here a few topics that captivated me the most. If there are any wedlock individuals here unable to impress and surprise your partner, I recommend you to flip into Surprise Gift From My Wife. Here he will give you tips based on how he was surprised by his better half. It is about a surprise gift he received on his birthday from his wife and how the gift remained unknown to himself until a few days later. Want to know what the gift was? Grab a copy of PaSsu Diary and give yourself a surprise too. But I assure you it was not a Bouquet of flowers if you have already guessed this.

Are you a student breaking your head unable to decide whether to study for life or for the exam? Or preparing for both appears like a mirage when you have the thickest volumes to cover up just before the next dawn? Because I was one of it once upon a time. I wish I read the book a few years ago when I had a tough time mugging up formulas. Because In this book he will give you answers to all these confusions. I envy the luck of his students. I assume and be content that his students would not have made the mistake like me. “When the time is right, do not sleep on the syllabus. Wake up to lives calling. ” I unquote from Out Of Syllabus.

Having shared snippets of his insightful work above, there is no further explanation required why I would finish such a rare book in just two goes. As I satisfactorily and slowly wrap up my review of PaSsu diary, I am just taken aback questioning myself of all the book reviews I have done in my educational journey till now. I am sure none of the reviews came naturally. They were either to impress my teacher or to meet the requirements of moving on to the next grade. But for now, no one has compelled me in doing this review, and I am doubtful if even a single person would read this-but this is all a good book would lead to. Whatsoever, PaSsu Diary is one of a kind.